Wednesday, June 28, 2017

How to setup Proxy settings in Visual Studio Code?

I ran into problem that when I try to find extensions in the VS Code, it does not display anything and even not able to check for updates. In this scenario, I have downloaded newer version of VS Code but it was not the permanent solution to solve this problem.

In such type of issues, I found that our enterprise proxy block the request which sent to the respective software vendors. Finally I decided to get to know that how can I setup proxy settings in VS Code as I did with tortoiseSVN and other tools.

I found reference in VS Code documentation - Proxy server support

Many enterprises require that their computers run behind a proxy server and don't allow direct access to the Internet. A proxy server intermediary can limit access to the VS Code Extension Marketplace and prevent installing VS Code extensions.

Follow the below steps to setup proxy settings:

  1. File > Preferences > Settings

  2. Navigate to the HTTP settings section and you will find settings for proxy as shown in below image:


  3. Now change the proxy settings as per your environment, If you proxy does not require authentication then just simply enter proxy details:
    If proxy require authentication then you have to provide user details:
    "http.proxy": "http://niranjan:password@"

Complete Settings which works in my case:

// VSCode: Place your settings in this file to overwrite the default settings
  "http.proxy": "",
  "https.proxy": "",
  "http.proxyStrictSSL": false

From documentation:
Additionally, use "http.proxyStrictSSL": false if your proxy server uses a self-signed certificate.
Note: VS Code supports http and https proxies, but not SOCKS proxies.

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